synonymous with Exceptional Service
You’ve spent years investing in your business. You rely on your fresh, refrigerated, and frozen foods to make it to their destination safely, timely, and in expert hands.
Trust your business to Homiak Transport, Inc. As a regional leader of the LTL industry, Homiak’s time-honored commitment to excellence makes us the premier transporter of the Eastern corridor.

Our advanced temperature-control technology seamlessly monitors your product from pickup to final destination, and everywhere in between.
Diversified SHipments
Have a mixed load? Let us be of service. Our fleet is equipped to handle diversified shipments. From frozen ice cream to fresh produce, you can count on continuity with us.
We are serving our customers in a brand new way: our on-site warehousing facility, KRES Cold Storage, opens in August 2020, making it the natural choice for your refrigerated and frozen products.

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